Academic Title: Assistant Professor of Criminal Law & Criminal Procedure
Office Location: 45Akadimias Str. 3rd Floor, Room 3
Email Address: :
Tel.: 210-6451878
Office Hours: Tuesdays at 18:00
Dr. Ioannis N. Androulakis is Assistant Professor of Criminal Law & Criminal Procedure; an Alexander Onassis Foundation Scholar (Universities of Göttingen and Halle-Wittenberg), a Fritz Thyssen Foundation Scholar (University of Munich), an OEAD Scholar (University of Vienna), an IVLP alumnus (US), and a visiting Professor at the University of Augsburg. He has at least 20 years of academic and research experience on issues of criminal law and criminal procedure, including criminal policy analysis, assessing the contents, impact and effectiveness of relevant criminal law legislation, and examining its transnational implementation.
“Criteria of a Fair Criminal Trial according to Article 6 of the ECHR”, Athens 2000;
“The Globalization of the Fight against Corruption”, Baden-Baden 2007, awarded the Martin-Luther Urkunde for excellence;
“Bid-rigging and Criminal Law”, Athens 2008;
“The possibility of direct impeachment according to Law 3074/2002”, Penal Chronicles 2009, pp. 111-125;
“The criminal evaluation of maritime accidents”, Maritime Law Review 2011, pp. 353-365;
“European Perspectives on Rights for Victims of Crime”, eucrim 2014, pp. 111-116
“Thoughts on the role of the civil party at the criminal trial and the means of appeal against acquittals”, Penal Chronicles 2014, pp. 641-649
“The execution of judicial deportation and the lifting of its consequences”, Athens 2017
“The State of Implementation of the UNCAC”, N.Y. 2015, 2nd ed. 2017, a study commissioned by the UNODC.
“Crime without punishment? Non-conviction-based confiscation? Penal Chronicles 2017, pp. 241-249
Dr. Androulakis is the President of the Conference of States Parties to the Council of Europe Convention against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (CETS no. 198) and the national representative to the Implementation Review Group of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). He was Co-President of the DROIPEN group at the Council of the EU, and a member of numerous international committees, expert groups and evaluation mechanisms, including the Council of Europe ad hoc Group on Transnational Organized Crime, the OECD Working Group on Bribery, the ARO Platform Subgroups, and the EU Second Opinion Network on the EU Anti-Corruption Report.
At the national level he was an Advisor to the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights and the President of the Legislative Committee of the current Greek AML/CFT Law, as well as a member of numerous other legislative committees and working groups, such as the ones concerning the amendment of tax offences by Law 3943/2011, the incorporation of the Directives and Framework Decisions related to the freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the European Union, the implementation of the UN Convention against transnational organized crime (UNTOC), and the revision of anti-corruption legislation.