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The LL.M. in International and European Law, taught entirely in English, builds on the very successful LL.M. programme we have created in the Athens Law School in the past ten years. It is an intensive Master’s programme, which provides students with an in-depth understanding of International and European Union Law in both their theoretical and practical aspects.

The Programme covers a single academic year, in the course of which students must successfully complete two semesters of core, mandatory taught modules while conducting research, under the supervision of our Faculty, leading to an original item of written work in the form of a dissertation.

For further details and all annoucements, please visit our website: 




We are excited to announce that applications for the LL.M. in International and European Law 2025-2026 are now open!

The Call for applications is available here

Candidates shall submit the application form (personally signed) along with the accompanying documents electronically in the following email address: llm-inteurl[at]law.uoa[dot]gr

More information regarding the application procedure can be found here.