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Comparative Law

Akademias 45, 10672 Athens


-Deputy Dean (Member of the Deanship) of the School of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

-Director of LL.M. Studies (in Greek) in “Private International Law, International Transactions and Comparative Legal Studies

-Deputy Director of the LL.M. in International & European Legal Studies (in English)

-Chair of the Erasmus Committee

-Participating in CIVIS

Author of: 10 books – 8 in Greek, 2 in English:

  1. The equality of creditors in international bankruptcy law (in Greek), Ant.N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens – Komotini 1992 (PhD).
  2. Forum Non Conveniens. The equity in the frame of legality (in Greek),  Ant.N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens – Komotini 1995.
  3. The evolution of private international law in United States of America. Tradition – Revolution – Counter-revolution (in Greek), Athens 1996 (2nd ed. 2019.
  4. Milestones in the Course of Comparative Law. Thesis and Antithesis (in Greek), Ant.N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens – Komotini 2003 (2nd ed. 2021).
  5. Comparative Law. University Courses (in Greek), Ant.N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens – Komotini 2004/ Comparative Law (in Greek), Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens 2012 (2nd ed. 2021).
  6. Relation of Law and Art (in Greek), Ant.N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens – Komotini 2006 (2nd ed. 2019).
  7. Comparative Law and Cultural Objects (in Greek), Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens 2012.
  8.  Juridical influences in the frame of Comparative Law (in Greek), Sakkoulas Publications, Athens - Thessaloniki 2013.
  9. Art Collections, Private and Public. A Comparative Legal Study, Springer Verlag, 2015.
  10.  International Insolvency Law. National Laws and International Texts, Springer Verlag, 2019.

and of about 150 articles, chapters in collective books, commentaries on courts’ decisions, book reviews.

University Courses:

Currently, teaching the following courses:

Undergraduate-Winter Semester:

- Comparative Law

Spring Semester:

- International Business Transactions - in English

LL.M.- Winter Semester:

-Comparative Legal Cultures,

-Comparative Private International Law,

-International Insolvency Law – in English

Spring Semester:

-Specific issues of Comparative Law,

-Law and Art,

-Comparative Legal Cultures – in English

and supervising PhDs – 5 have so far defended publicly their PhDs.

- Guest Professor at the Université Paris Nanterre: 23.1-6.2/2022, I taught a course of Comparative Law in the frame of the Master ΙΙ de droit européen.

- Director of a new publication series “Comparative Legal Studies”. 5 books have already been published.

Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek (mother tongue).

Currently member of the:

-Conference of European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL) , Member of the Executive.

-Association Internationale des Sciences Juridiques/International Association of Legal Science (AISL-IALS). Since 2019, President of the Hellenic Committee. Participation in Executive Committee Board and Congress in Maastricht, September 2019. On May 3, 2021, I was unanimously elected by the Executive Committee as the new First Vice-President of AISL-IALS.

-Associate Member of the Center for Private International Law), of the University of Aberdeen

-Società Italiana per la Ricerca nel Diritto Comparato (SIRD) . I have also been elected “Amica della SIRD per la Grecia”. Participation in the General Assembly of November 2019, in Firenze.

-Wissenschaftiche Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht – seat: Würzburg, Germany. Participation in the General Assemblies and Congresses, in Athens, Tübingen, Regensburg, Heidelberg, Passau & Linz, Luxembourg, Hamburg.

-International Academy of Comparative Law  – seat: Paris. Participation in General Assemblies in Paris, and in several of its Congresses, with national reports.

-World Society of Mixed Jurisdictions Jurists – seat: New Orleans. Participation in the Congress in New Orleans, 19-22 November 2008, for the 200 years from Louisiana’s 1st Civil Code (1808).

-Editorial Board of the International Journal of Cultural Property Participation in the Editorial Board’s Meeting and in Symposium in Stanford Law School, 7-8 November 2013, in honour of John Henry Merryman, Sweitzer Professor of Law and Affiliated Professor of Art, Emeritus, Stanford University.

-Deutsche Vereinigung der Zivilprozessrechtslehrer  - seat: Regensburg. Participation in its Congresses, in Freiburg (2014), in Basel (2018).

-Juris Diversitas, . Seat: Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne-Dorigny, Switzerland. Participation in General Assembly and Congress, in Limerick, Ireland (2015).

-various other Foreign and Hellenic Law Associations.

Previously member of the

-International Law Association (Vice President of the Hellenic Branch), and specifically of the Cultural Heritage Law Committee until its dissolution, in 2016, after 28 years – seat: London. Participation in works of the Committee in Paris, The Hague, London, Naestved (Denmark), as well as in the General Assembly in Washington DC, in 2014. At the General Assembly in Johannesburg, in 2016, I was co-raporteur for my Committee, although I did not go for personal reasons. 2016-2020, member of the new Committee on Participation in Global Cultural Heritage Governance. Participation in the meeting in Oxford, June 2019.

-Commission Internationale de l’Etat Civil, Hellenic Section (2001-2018) – seat: Strasbourg. Participation in General Assemblies in Athens, Strasbourg, Dubrovnik, Madrid, Edinburgh, Krakow, Munich, Luxembourg, Lodz as well as in work groups in Strasbourg and Brussels.

-Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society for Technology and Construction Law (until 2020) Participation in the annual meetings of Presidents of the National Associations - members of the European Association of Construction Law and in Congresses, in Liège, Paris, Milan.

Member of the Hellenic Council of Nationality, Ministry of Interior (2000-2013) and of Committees at the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Justice.

Delegate of Greece:

  • at sessions in Brussels (autumn 1995) of the Experts’ Group on the Convention for the Insolvency proceedings, of the European Union.
  • at the UNIDROIT-ICAO 3rd Governmental Experts’ Conference in Rome (20-31.3.2000),
  • at the Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the Cape Town Convention/Aircraft Protocol UNIDROIT-ICAO in Cape Town (29.10-16.11.2001),
  • at the Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the Rail Rolling Stock Protocol UNIDROIT-OTIF in Luxembourg (12-23.2.2007),
  • at the UNIDROIT Rail Preparatory Commission (Rome, 12-14.4.2008) for the Establishment of an International Registry,
  • at the UNIDROIT Steering Committee (Berlin, 7-9.5.2008) regarding the preliminary draft Space Assets Protocol,,
  • at the UNCITRAL General Assembly in New York (30.6-3.7.2008),
  • at the Conference of the UN Member States (Vienna, 11-13.5.2009) for the Convention against Corruption.

Papers at Law Congresses, abroad (Madrid, Granada, Brussels, London, Bristol, Salerno, Amherst, Nicosia, Seoul, Limerick, Kiel, Rome, Gdansk, Oxford, Seville, Verona, Como) and in Greece.

Courses and seminars at the Universities of Strasbourg, France and Osaka, Japan and at the European Institute of Public Administration, Luxembourg, as well as at the University of Athens, Greece, for foreign students or professionals.