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Private International Law

Address: Akadimias str. 45 – 4th floor (Office 5), 10680 Athens

Phone: + 30210-3688633

Email: chtsouca[at]law.uoa[dot]gr

Chrysafo Tsouka studied in Athens and Paris. She received her law degrees from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in Greece, and from University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, in France. She is associate Professor of Private International Law at the Law School of Athens and teaches Private International Law, Migration Law and Law of Nationality


  1. 1997: PhD in Private International Law, University of Athens. Title:  “Foreign Mandatory Rules and their significance for the methodological identity of private international law”.
  2. 1987: LL.M. in Private International Law and Law of International Commerce, University Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne.


  1. June 2019: Member of the ad hoc meeting on Statelessness of the Council of Europe
  2. 2015: Member of the Expert Group on the revision of the Brussels IIa Regulation  
  3. 2015: ELSA Legal Clinic Coordinator. Topic: The impact of the ECHR onGreek case law in the field of the Law of Aliens.
  4. 2014: President of the Legislative Committee (Hellenic Ministry of Justice) for the Ratification by the Hellenic Republic of the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults.
  5. 2014-2021: Member of the 2d Naturalization Committee of the Ministry of Interior
  6. 2013 – present: Associate Professor in Private International Law and Law of Aliens, Faculty of Law, University of Athens.
  7. 2013 – 2019: Member of the Nationality Council of the Hellenic Republic (Ministry of Interior).
  8. 2001 – 2020: Representative of the Hellenic Republic to the International Commission of Civil Status.
  9. First half of 2014 - Greek Presidency of the EU Council: President of Civil Law Committee (Legalisation and Matrimonial – Registered Partnership Regime).
  10. 2006-2013: Assistant Professor in Private International Law and Law of Aliens, Faculty of Law, University of Athens.
  11. 2011-2012: Member of the Legislative Committee (Ministry of Justice) for the Ratification by the Hellenic Republic of the Hague Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children.
  12. June July2005: Scholar of Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé..
  13. June July 1999: Scholar of Max-Plank-Institut für ausländisches und internationals Privatrecht).
  14. Representative of the Hellenic Republic to the Council of the European Union - Regulation (EC) 864/2007, (EC) 1259/2010, (EC) 2016/1103 and 2016/1104,(EC) 2016/1191
  15. National Raporteur (in collaboration with D. Papadopoulou-Klamari and N. Davrados) in the European Commission’s Project «Fortbildungsmodul über Grenzüberschreitende Scheidung und Unterhalt: Zuständigkeit und Anwendbares Recht».
  16. Co-author of  the Greek responses to the White Paper on Damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust rules COM(2008) 165 final
  17. Director of a publication series “Library of Migration Law”, Nomiki Bibliothiki.
  18. Member of the Scientific Board of the Migration Law Review (Επιθεώρηση Μεταναστευτικού Δικαίου).



  1. Choice of Court agreements - Issues in the field of private international law, Athens/Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Publications of the Hellenic Society of Private International Law, 1990, 63 pp. (in Greek).
  2. Foreign Mandatory Rules and their significance for the methodological identity of private international law, Athens/Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Private International Law Library, 1997, 385 pp. (in Greek).
  3. The Protection of seafarers and the legal regime relating to ships registered as foreign capital, Athens/Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Hellenic Association of Maritime Law, 2000,  120 pp. (in Greek).
  4. Cross-border pollution and private international law, Athens/Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Publications of the Hellenic Society of Private Interntional Law, 2000, 91 pp. (in Greek).
  5. The Change of Employer in EC law and private international law: A Study of the European private international law of employment, Athens/Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Publications of the Hellenic Society of Private International Law, 2001, 119 pp. (in Greek).
  6. International Employment Contracts in the field of private international law – Towards a specific substantive saw of international relations, Athens/Komotini, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, 2003, 830 pp. (in Greek).
  7. Régimes matrimonaux successions et libéralités dans les relations internationals et internes – Grèce, in : M. Verwilghen (dir.), « Livre bleu du Notariat Latin », 2003, pp. 1320-1310 (in collaboration with El. Moustaira and Asp. Vardaka-Martini) (in French).
  8. The Purpose in the Field of Private International Law, in: J. Strangas/Char. Papacharalambous/ (Eds.), But, téléologie et droit - Rapports présentés au Séminaire Interdisciplinaire – Actes de la Sociétés Hellénique de Recherche Philosophique et Historique du Droit 2006-2007, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers/ Nomos Verlag/L’Harmattan, 2009 pp. 435-484 (in Greek with french summary).
  9. Greece Private International Law: in: R. Blanpain/M. Colucci (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Laws, 2009, pp. 55-64, 72-80, 88-91 (Existence and Capacity of Natural Persons, Capacity to Act, Formal Validity of Acts, Representation, Employment Contracts) (in English).
  10. Article 13 – Private international law aspects of registered partnerships in: Ath. Papachristos/N. Koumoutzis/Chr. Tsouca (Eds.), Commentary on the L. 3719/2008, 2009, pp. 80-98 (in Greek).
  11. A general Introduction to the European Private International Law of Torts, in: Essays in Honour of Professor Stathopoulos, 2010, pp. 2889-2927 (in Greek).
  12. The Protection of the Weaker Party in the field of the Regulation 593/2008 on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, in: Essays in Honour of Professor Ismini Androulidaki, 2011, pp. 633-666 (in Greek).
  13. Registered Partnership in the Greek Law – Conflict of Laws Problems, in: Commission International de l’ État Civil – Section Grecque, La  Commission Internationale de l’ État Civil et la Vie Familiale, 2011, pp. 85-93 (in Greek).
  14. Interests and Values in Private International Law, in: J. Strangas/Ant. Chanos/Char. Papacharalambous/Chr. Tsouca (Eds.), Bien, Intérêt et Droit – Rapports présentés au Séminaire Interdisciplinaire – Actes de la Sociétés Hellénique de Recherche Philosophique et Historique du Droit, Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers/ Nomos Verlag/L’Harmattan, 2012, pp. 685-708(in Greek with French summary). 
  15. Contribution in respect to the private international law aspects in : Ath. Papachristos/ Sp. Vrellis/N. Klamaris (Eds), Relations entre parents et enfants – Étude Comparative des Législations États members de l’Union Européenne (Financement par l’Union Européenne), Université d’Athènes – Faculté de Droit/Institut de Recherche d’Études Procédurales/Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, 2012. (in Greek).
  16. The Law applicable to Unjust Enrichment – Problems in the Greek and European private international law, Athens, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2013, 246 pp. (in Greek).
  17. The Regulation (EU) 1259/2010 of 20 December 2010 on the enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation in: Essays in Honour of Professor Ioannis Spyridakis, 2014, pp. 1047-1063 (in Greek).
  18. The Preliminary Questions in the EU Private International Law : A Rennaissance of an old Quarrel ?, in : Essays in Honour of Professor Spyridon Vrellis, Athens, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2014, pp. 1055-1078 (in Greek).
  19. Private International Law Questions regarding the Protection of Adults, in: Family Law Society (Ed.), The Legal Protection of Adults, Athens, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2016, pp. 121-144 (in Greek).
  20. Regulation of matters regarding personal status under the prism of international trends, in: Essays in Honour of Professor Nikolaos Klamaris, 2016, pp. 1287-1306 (in Greek).
  21. International Family Law, Athens, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2016 (In Greek).
  22. Foreign Law in the Greek Private International Law: Positive Solutions and Future Perspectives, in: Y. Nishitani (Ed.) Treatment of Foreign Law – Dynamics Towards Convergence? Springer, 2017, pp. 221-238 (English).
  23. L’influence de la crise économique sur le choix de la règle de droit international privé applicable aux différends maritimes, in: Acts of the 8th International Conference of Maritime Law (10-12 October 2013) (Shipping in periods of economic distress: financing – ship’s operation – enforcement») Athens Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2015, pp. 351-380 (French).
  24. Greek Law Digest 2019 FOREIGN CITIZENS – IMMIGRANTS Introduction, 2016,  pp. 828-830 (English).
  25. Articles 32 (renvoi) and 33 (Orde Public) Civil Code, in: Georgiades/Stathopoulos (Eds), Commentary on the Greek Civil Code – Second Edition, 2016, Athens, Sakkoulsa Editions, pp. 626-671 (in Greek).
  26. Articles 34 (renvoi), 36 (States with more than one legal system- Territorial conflicts of laws), 37 (States with more than one legal system – Inter-personal conflict of laws), 38 (Non-application of Regulation 650/2012 to internal conflicts of laws), in: Pamboukis(Ed.), EU Succession Regulation 650/2012, Athens, Nomiki Bibliothiki C.H. Beck Hart Nomos, 2017, pp. 4-1-412, 437-444 (English).
  27. Greek Nationality Law: The Greek Nationality between National Solutions and International Developments, Athens, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2019 (in Greek).
  28. The importance of family as a means to protect minors within the scope of refugee law, pp. 1877-1934. in : Essays in Honour of Professor Ath. Papachristou, Athens, Ant. Sakkoulas Editions, 2019, pp. 1877-1934 (in Greek).
  29. Lawful employment of a foreigner, national of a third country, as a prerequisite for the exercise of European citizens’ rights; Comments in view of the CJEU judgment dated 2nd October 2019, C-93/18, in: Liber amicorum Travlos Tzanetatos (2020) pp. 1365-1385 (in Greek),
  30. Mariage et divorce en droit international privé grec - À la recherche de l’identité matérielle des solutions sur le droit applicable, pp. 11-28, in: Droit de la Famille et des Successions en Grèce et au Liban Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Athènes Institut Hellénique de droit international et étranger Section Grecque de la Commission Internationale de l’état civil Faculté de droit de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth Centre d’études des droits du monde arabe (CEDROMA) Actes du colloque tenu à Athènes les 26 et 27 avril 2015. 2021, pp. 11-28 (French).


  1. Les règles étrangères d’application immédiate et leur impact sur la  nature méthodologique du droit international privé, Koinodikion 1997, pp. 228-269.
  2. Le droit international privé dans la jurisprudence hellénique - Conflit de lois et conflits de juridictions année 1997, Revue hellénique de droit international 1997, pp. 609-631.
  3. L’amalgame de systèmes divers et les systèmes en transition: L’importation et l’exportation de modèles juridiques, Revue Hellénique de Droit International 1998, pp. 9-36.
  4. Le droit international privé dans la jurisprudence hellénique - Conflit de lois et conflits de juridictions année 1998-1999, Revue Hellénique de Droit International 1999, pp. 535-575.
  5. Le partenariat enregistré en droit grec, Revue critique de droit international privé 2010, pp. 615-620.
  6. Droit bancaire : Aspects de droit international privé, Revue hellénique de droit international 2012, pp. 151-160.
  7. Le droit applicable aux régimes matrimoniaux à défaut de choix des époux, Revue Hellénique de Droit International, 2013, (Dossier spécial: La Proposition de Règlement du Conseil du 16 mars 2011 relatif à la compétence, la loi applicable, la reconnaissance et l’exécution des décisions en matières de régimes matrimoniaux) pp. 249-258.
  8. Simplifying the Circulation of Public Documents in the European Union – Present and Future Solutions, ELTE Law Journal 2015, pp. 43-50 (English).