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    Academic Title: Associate Professor of Public Law

    Office Location: Akadimias 47, 2nd Floor

    Email Address: a.tsourouflis[at]law.uoa[dot]gr

    Tel.: 210368-8673 

    Office Hours: Tuesdays 16:00-17:00



    Andreas Tsourouflis completed his graduate studies at the University of Athens (1991), postgraduate studies in European Community Law at the University of Saarbrücken, Germany, (1993) and doctorate studies in Tax Law at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, (1997).

    He is an associate professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where he teaches Tax Law, Finance Law, Administrative Court Procedure Law, International and European Tax Law. He is also director of the LL.M. in Tax Law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

    His areas of interest include all aspects of Greek, international and european taxation, including judicial settlement of tax disputes.


    Andreas Tsourouflis has authored numerous books and articles in law reviews.

    a) Books

    Transfer Pricing, Nomiki Vivliothiki Publishers, Athens 2010.

    The Interpretation of Tax Treaties, Nomiki Vivliothiki Publishers, Athens 2010.

    Tax Law in the Context of the Legal Order, Nomiki Vivliothiki Publishers, Athens 2010.

    Die Harmonisierung der Körperschaftsteuer in der EU (The Harmonisation of Corporate Taxation in the EU), Peter Lang Editions (Dissertation), Frankfurt a.M. 1997.

    b) Articles and Contributions in Collective Works.

    Interpretation of Art. 56, in Photopoulos (ed.), Code of Tax Procedure, Nomiki Vivliothiki Publishers, Athens 2018.

    Corporate Income Tax Subjects: Greece (with Theodore Fortsakis), in: Corporate Income Tax Subjects, IBFD Publications, Amsterdam 2016.

    Issues of Real Estate Property Taxation, Law of Companies and Enterprises 2015, Nomiki Vivliothiki Publishers.

    Greek chapter in Handbuch Internationales Handelsvertreterrecht (Handbook of International Law of Commercial Agents), Editions Bundesanzeiger, Frankfurt 2007.

    Greece, Taxation and the European Convention on Human Rights in the Domestic Law of the Council of Europe Countries, European Taxation, 2001, p. 524 – 531.