In March, students, that are interested in the European Law School (ELS) Network, will have the opportunity to learn more about the degree programs offered at ELS partner universities on two dates. Please register for one or both dates using the following link:
After registering, students will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the meeting.
1) Friday, 3 March – 2:00-3:00 pm (Greek Time).
Presentation of Study Programs in Berlin, Paris and Madrid
Time table:
2:00 pm: Welcome
2:05 pm: Presentation Paris
2:20 pm: Presentation Berlin
2:35 pm: Presentation Madrid
2:50 pm: Time for Additional Questions
2) Friday, 17 March - 2:00-3:00 pm (Greek Time)
Presentation of Study Programmes in Rome, London, Amsterdam, Athens
Time table:
2:00 pm: Welcome
2:05 pm: Presentation Rome
2:20 pm: Presentation London
2:35 pm: Presentation Athens
2:50 pm: Presentation Amsterdam
3:05 pm: Time for Additional Questions