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Department of Private Law B



Alexandros Rokas is an Assistant Professor of Commercial Law at the Law School of the University of Athens. He holds an LL.B. from the University of Athens, LL.M. & PhD (summa cum laude) from the Humboldt University of Berlin and LL.M. from Harvard Law School. His PhD entitled “Corporate Governance as a Bankruptcy Deterrent” was supervised by Prof. Christoph Paulus.

Further, he was a member of the committee established by the Greek Ministry of Finance to amend the Greek Bankruptcy Code (Law 4738/2020). Finally, he is a member of the board of the Association of Greek Commercialists, as well as a member of International Insolvency Institute (III NextGen Leadership Program), International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law (IEEI), European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), Conference of European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL) and other law associations.



• “The Management of the Group of Companies as a Right and Duty of the Parent Company” (in Greek), 2022, p. 1-405

• “Pre-Bankruptcy Procedure for Corporations” (in Greek), 2nd edition, 2014, p. 1-370

• “Corporate Governance as a Bankruptcy Deterrent“ (Dissertation in German), Nomos Verlag, 2012, p. 1-261 (received the “Promotionspreis“ award by the Law School of Humboldt University)


• ESG and tortious liability of the parent company (in Greek), 31st Congress of the Association of Greek Commercialists, publish in the minutes of the congress, 2024, pp. 103-141

• “The Participation of the State in the Restructuring Proceedings” (in Greek), DEE 2023, p. 167-173  

• «Article 19 of the Restructuring Directive and its implementation in German and in Greek Law» (in English), in: Festschrift für Chr. Paulus, 2022, σ. 619-628

• “Länderbericht: Griechenland”, Münchener Kommentar zur Insolvenzordnung (in German), 4th edition, 2021, p. 969-994 (with D. Tzakas)

• “Reliance on Experts from a Corporate Law Perspective” (in English), American University Business Law Review, Vol. 2, 2013, p. 323-351

• “ The New Legal Definition of Excessive Indebtedness” (in German), ZInsO 2009, 18