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European Union Law

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Revekka-Emmanouela Papadopoulou completed her undergraduate studies at the School of Law of the University of Athens (NKUA, 1988). She obtained a Licence Spéciale in European Law (Institut d’Etudes Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1989), a Licence Spéciales in Administrative Law (School of Law, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1990) and a Diplôme de Doctorat in EU Law (School of Law, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1995).

Since 2000, she is a member of the Department of International and EU Law Studies of the Athens School of Law. She is currently an Associate Professor and she teaches EU Law in the framework of the graduate, post-graduate and Erasmus program. Her courses include EU Institutional Law, EU Economic Law, EU Tax Law, Huan Rights Protection in the EU, and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (mainly EU Migration Law and EU Criminal Law). She was a Visiting Professor at the International Tax Center (Leiden) and she teaches EU Law at the National School of Public Administration.

Her areas of interest focus on the principles and the functioning of the EU legal order and its relationship with national laws, the EU internal market (mainly issues of free movement and competition), EU tax law, human rights protection in the EU, the rules on the Economic and Monetary Union, and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (mainly migration, asylum granting and EU criminal law). She is the author of several monographs and articles and she has given lectures in the framework of national and international conferences.


  1. Books

Introduction to the Law of the European Union (2nd ed.) (with V. Christianos and M. Perakis), Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2020

Coordination of economic policies in the EU and the financial crisis, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2017

Soft Law in the legal order of the European Union, Nomiki Vivliothiki,  2012

Criminal law after the Treaty of Lisbon, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2011 (with D. Kioupis and D. Mouzakis)

Cooperation in the Law of the European Union. An attempt to a typology, Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2005

Principes généraux du droit et droit communautaire, Bruylant/Sakkoulas, 1996

b) Articles and Contributions in Collective Works

The role of soft law in the sector of State Aid, in V. Christianos/M. Rodopoulos (eds), State Aid Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2020, p. 123

The European Union and Space: A “star wars” saga? European Journal of Law Reform 2019, p. 505

Public and private enforcement in competition law in the light of Directive 2014/104/EU: a relationship of complementarity or conflict? Dikaio Epixeiriseon kai Etaireion 2017, p. 1430

Legislative compliance with the Economic Adjustments Programmes for Greece: an overview and an attempt at a typology (2010-2013) (with S. Stratakis and I. Mournianakis), European Politeia, 1/2015, EPLO, p. 23-54

Conflict between economic freedoms and human rights in the legal order of the European Union, Actes de la Société Hellénique de Recherche Philosophique et Historique du Droit, Sakkoulas/Nomos/L’Harmattan, 2015, p. 1129-1154

The Schengen system and the EU policy on visas, Proceedings of the International Conference “Developments and Challenges in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice”, 2013, Thessaloniki, p. 341-358

Free competition in the European Community in the light of the democratic principle: convergences and divergences, European Politeia 2/2009

National parliaments in the institutional system of the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty, European Politeia 1/2008

Souveraineté et surveillance dans le cadre de la Communauté européenne, ou comment concilier deux exigences contradictoires, Annuaire Français de Droit International 2005, p. 699

The Royal Olympic Cruises case: a "skeleton in the cupboard" of the European Court of Justice ? Revue Hellénique de Droit International 2005, p. 241

Situations purement internes et droit communautaire: un instrument jurisprudentiel à double fonction ou une arme à double tranchant ? Cahiers de Droit Européen 2002, p. 95

La dimension culturelle prise dans les engrenages institutionnels de la construction européenne. A cheval entre souci d'intégration et exigences d'intergouverne- mentalité, in Facteurs culturels dans l'action normative de l'Union européenne. Les frontières mouvantes des identités en Europe, N. Scandamis et al. (eds), Sakkoulas/Bruylant, 2002, p. 245


Her PhD thesis was awarded a prize by the Hellenic University Association for European Studies (ESCA-Greece) and the Foundation for the Promotion of European Studies, for its contribution to the study of European integration

She participated as a senior researcher in the EU-funded projects ELISE (2002-2005) and  CHALLENGE (2004-2008)

She is a member of the Hellenic Association for European Law