The School of Law is mainly located at 3 Sina Street (Hall of Theoretical Sciences), 57 Solonos Street, 45 - 47 Akadimias Street, where the offices of the Secretariat and most classrooms and exam rooms are found.
Secretariat ( tel: +30 210 3688659 )
The Secretariat of the Law Faculty is located on the ground floor of 47 Akadimias Street, where you will also find the offices of the Dean, the vice Deanand the Secretary of the School. Mrs Eleni Koureli is Head of the Secretariat. Operating Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11:00 a.m. - 13:00 pm.
Offices of the Teaching and Research Staff
The offices of the Teaching and Research Staff of the Law Faculty are located at 45 and 47 Akadimias Street.
Classrooms - Exam Rooms
The lectures and the written examinations of the modules take place primarily in the Hall of Theoretical Sciences, specifically in the following rooms:
- New building, 3 Sina Street: Oikonomidou Hall (ground floor), rooms 2 and 1 (1st floor), room 3 (first floor mezzanine), rooms 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 (second floor)
- Old building, 57 Solonos Street: Saripolon Hall, Rooms A and B of Mathematics, Theologiki, and Pantazi Halls
- 45 Akadimias Street: Rooms A, B and C (first floor)