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Faculty Member – University of Athens, Athens PIL

Academias 45(4th floor),  10672 Athens, 

Tel.: +302103688627



Eleni Micha completed her undergraduate and post-graduate studies at the University of Athens (Doctor of Law, 2005). Part of her post-graduate studies has been carried out at Leiden University in the Netherlands (1996-1997).

In 1994 she obtained the Diploma of the International Committee of the Red Cross (Legal Department) for her original article on IHL.

In 2016 she was Visiting Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany.

She currently holds a teaching post at the Department of International Studies at the School of Law of the University of Athens. She is also Visiting Lecturer at Frederick University in Cyprus. She teaches public international law, international protection of human rights, international criminal law and geopolitics at a graduate and post-graduate level.

She is attorney-at-law at the Athens Bar Association; her expertise is on human rights litigation.


  1. Articles & Contributions in Collective Works

 “Superior Orders and Individual Criminal Responsibility” in K. Koufa & Ph. Pazartzis (eds.), International Criminal Justice as mechanism of enforcement of international law (in Greek), A. Sakkoulas Publs. 2007, p. 327-344

 “The protection of human rights during an armed conflict: The case study of rape” in Ph. Spyropoulos (ed.), Judging crimes against humanity: the case of Saddam Hussein’s trial (in Greek), A. Sakkoulas Publs. 2008, p. 75-102

 “The Fight against Corruption within Peace Support Operations: In search of the Responsibility of International Organizations”, International Organizations Law Review 5-1 (2008), p. 1-34

 “The use of Universal Civil Jurisdiction for Humanitarian Law Violations and the search for a Legal Remedy”in St. Perrakis & M.-D. Marouda (eds.), Armed Conflicts & International humanitarian Law: 150 years after Solferino. Acquis and Prospects, A. Sakkoulas Publs., Athens 2009, p. 627-653

“Fundamental principles of international humanitarian law and military conduct with emphasis upon the rules of engagement” (in Greek), K. Koufa (ed.), First Educational Seminar by the Greek Committee on Application and Dissemination of IHL in Greece, K. Sfakianaki Publs. 2011, p. 59-78. 

“The protection of property, the violation of the right and the remedial role of the European Court of Human Rights: The case of Cyprus” (in Greek) in A. Samara-Krispi & A. Konstandinides (eds.)., The Cyprus Problem in evolution: International Dimension, Issues of Governance, Human Rights, Athens-Thessaloniki 2011, p. 191-224.

 “The contribution of the national courts in the evolution of public international law concerning war reparations: The case of the German jurisprudence”, St. Perrakis (ed.,) The issue of the German war reparations regarding Greece: International and National aspects” (in Greek), I. Sideris Publs., Athens 2012.

 “Article 41 ECHR as foundation for extra-contractual liability in Greek law”, Center of European Constitutional Law/Th. & D. Tsatsos Foundation Eds., The public law in progress,Essays in Honour ofProfessorPetros J. Pararas (in Greek), A. Sakkoulas Publs., Athens-Komotini 2012, p. 607-625.

 “Issues of Res Judicata with reference to the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: The case of Greece” in M. Novakovic (ed.), Basic Concepts of Public International Law: Monism and Dualism, University of Belgrade, Institute of Comparative Law and Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade 2013, p. 505-541

“The long winding road towards justiciability of social rights during times of sovereign debt crisis”, International Association of Constitutional Law, Group of Social Rights & Libertas (dirs.), “Sovereign Debt and Fundamental Social Rights”, Annuaire Internationale des Droits de l’Homme, Vol. VII, 2012-2013, Sakkoulas Publics. – L.G.D.J Athènes 2014, p. 583-608.

“The Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child by the State Parties: The Case of Greece”, in O. Cvejic Jancic (Ed.), “The Rights of the Child in a changing world”, Jus Comparatum-Global Studies in Comparative Law (Vol. 13), Springer International Publishing, 2016, p. 151-165. 

“Issues of restorative justice for victims of human trafficking: The international legal framework and the implementation of Greece’s obligations” in Essays in honour of Professor Dr. Nestor Courakis (in Greek), Crime and Penal Repression in Times of Crisis, A. Sakkoulas Publs., 2016, p. 1585-1614. See the on-line edition in

Commentary of article 12, 13 ECHR and 5 of the 7th Add. Protocol in L.-Al. Sicilianos (dir.)., The European Convention on Human Rights: A Commentary,(in Greek), 2nd edition, Nomiki Vivliothiki Publs., Athens 2017, p. 555-588, 894-898.

“Responsible Investment in Occupied Territories: Beyond the UN & OECD Principles”, in K. Fach Gomez, A. Gourgourinis, Cath. Titi (Eds.), International Investment Law and the law of Armed Conflict, European Yearbook of International Economic Law (Special Issue), Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, p.439-458.

b. Research Projects & respective publications

PRACTICAL LEGAL GUIDE ON THE COMBAT AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING (2014). Joint Project of KEPAD and KMOP: “Campaign regarding the combat against human trafficking aiming at the awareness and education of the young people” 

IRREGULAR MIGRATION & HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN GREECE: A critical assessment of the legal framework as applied in theory and practice (2011). Project of KEPAD: “Programme of Cooperation in the Black Sea Region in the Area of Migration between Countries of Origin, Transit and Destination”, partially financed by the European Union.


Eleni Micha is regular member of the ILA Committee on the Complementarity in International Criminal Law and external evaluator of the law journals International Community Law Review and Leiden Journal of International Law. She is National Correspondent to the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law from 2001. She was tutor to the students’ teams representing the Law School in the Jean Pictet Competition (2003-2011) and the International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition (2014-2019). She is currently engaged in a research project dealing with the execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights by Greece co-organized by the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights and Athens PIL.