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Contact Details

katerina.iliadou[at]gmail[dot]com ; iliadouk[at]law.uoa[dot]gr


Associate Professor of Public and Administrative Law


  • General Administrative Law,
  • Fundamental Rights,
  • Political Science (Undergraduate level)
  • Energy Law and Public Enterprises Law (Postgraduate level)

Academic Responsible for the collaboration with 7 European Universities within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme


Selected Publications

  • Forschungsfreiheit und Embryonenschutz – Eine verfassungs- und europarechtliche Untersuchung der Forschung an Embryonen, Duncker & Humblot, Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht 799, Berlin, 1999
  • "Public Law and regulation of network industries" (in Greek), Publisher: Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, 2010 
  • „Public enterprises“ (in Greek),  Publisher: Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, 2016
  1. The right to life, the right to physical and mental integrity, Human Dignity και The protection of the marriage and the family, σε: A. Weber (Ed.), Fundamental Rights in Europe and North America, Kluwer Law International, The Hague-London-New York 2003, σελ. GR/9-GR/28 και GR/101-GR/106.
  2. Greece - Electricity market reform in South East Europe, Utilities Policy 17 (2009), σ. 76-87.
  3. Petroleum, σε: Th. Fortsakis, Energy Law in Greece, The Netherlands 2009, σ. 183-203.
  4. Constitutional aspects of the “Regulatory State”, σε: Essays in Honor of Halûk Konuralp Anisina– Yetkin Yayinari, Ankara 2009, Tόμος 2, σ. 961-977.
  5. Climate change as a new form of the "environmental question" in modern constitutionalism, in: V. Pereira da Silva/J.-A. Kaemmerer/D.-U. Galetta (eds), New Public Tasks in times of tension (SIPE), Napoli 2024, p. 221 
  6. EU Climate Change and Energy Transition Law (under publication in:  Rainer Arnold and Toni Fickentscher (Eds): The Responsibility of a Constitution for the Future, Springer) 
  7. Technology, environment, and energy (under publication in: L. Mezzetti (ed), Rule of Law and Developments in Science and Technology) 
  8. Climate change, Litigation and the Jurisprudence of the Greek Council of the State, in: Comparative Law Studies, Rainer Arnold (ed.), Third International Online-Seminar, The protection of the environment and constitutional law, 2022, p. 64
  9. Business and Trade in Greece, in: St. Storr/Ew. Verhounig/Fl. Mosing (Hrsg), Anforderungen an die Aufnahme eines Gewerbes in ausgewaehlten Staaten, Wien 2021, S. 77  
  • More than 60 publications on Public Law issues and on issues related to the energy market liberalization, published in legal reviews and collective bands
  • Participation to many international and national congresses including FIDE 2014 and SIPE 2015
  • Participation to research projects on public law, energy law and on climate change legislation


Ancillary Activities

  • Participation to many international and national congresses including FIDE 2014, SIPE 2015, EGPL 2022, SIPE 2023, ICON-S 2024
  • Participation to research projects on public law, energy law and on climate change legislation
  • Member of the EPLO (international organization) Executive Committee ( and legal advisor of EPLO since September 2019 and member of the EPLO Board of Publications
  • Member of Societas Iuris Publici Europaei e.V.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the NKUA Property Development and Management Company
  • Attorney at Law – Athens Bar Association