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Akadimias 45                          n.simantiras[at]law[dot]uoa[dot]gr

2st Floor                                    Tel. (+30 2103688673)

Nikolaos I. Simantiras is an Assistant Professor of Public Law, esp. Constitutional Law. He completed his undergraduate studies at the School of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2007), spending one semester at the University of Essex Law School, UK (2006). His postgraduate studies were completed at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LL.M., 2010), where he also worked as a research and teaching fellow of the Faculty of Law (2010-2013). He was awarded a doctorate in law (Doctor iuris, summa cum laude) by the same university, LMU München (2015). His doctoral dissertation on democratic legitimacy and judicial control of European governance networks was supervised by Prof. P. M. Huber, Justice at the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, and has been published by Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen (2016). His second book on the constitutional guarantees applicable in the field of administrative sanctions has been published by Nomiki Vivliothiki (ed.), Athens (2021).

Besides academia, he has served as legal counsel at the Legal Office of the President of the Hellenic Republic (2015-2020) and practices law as an attorney in private practice, being admitted before the Supreme Courts of Greece.

Nikolaos I. Simantiras teaches Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights, Administrative Law and European Public Law; his main areas of interest are national and European constitutional law, public law theory, as well as the (administrative) regulation of markets.


Selected publications


Netzwerke im europäischen Verwaltungsverbund. Legitimation durch Verantwortung polyzentrischer Governance-Strukturen [Networks in EU Administration. Legitimacy through responsibility of polycentric governance structures], series "Verfassungsentwicklung in Europa", Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2016, pp. XX, 1-293.

Administrative sanctions. Rule of Law guarantees and imposition limits, ed. Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens 2021, pp. XIX, 1-329 [in Greek].


Mutual Trust, Mutual Recognition and the Rule of Law, in: The XXX FIDE Congress, 2023 Congress Publications, Vol. 1, 2023 (with Μ. Chrysomallis, forthcoming).

Staatliches Kreditrisiko, Liquidität und EZB-Intervention: Ein Rechtsprechungsdialog aus der Legitimationsperspektive, in: Theodora Antoniou/Markus Heintzen (ed.), Staatsverschuldung und Eurokrise im deutsch-griechischen Verfassungsdialog, Edition Romiosini/CeMoG, FU Berlin 2020, pp. 243-263.

Privatizations and the notion of public interest, ΤοΣ 3/2018, σελ. 813-837 [in Greek].

The institutional role of the Council of state between the principle of democracy and the rule of law, ΕφημΔΔ 5/2018, σελ. 588-609 [in Greek].

European Legal Education: A Unified Culture? - A constitutional approach on applied pluralism, in: G. Helleringer/K. Purnhagen (ed.), Towards a European Legal Culture, Nomos Baden-Baden/Hart Oxford/C.H. Beck München, 2014, pp. 223-242.

Grundstrukturen des unionalen Rundfunkrechts, EuR 2011, pp. 784-807 (with M. Schladebach).