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Professor Dr. Dimitra Papadopoulou-Klamaris

Contact details

47 Akadimias str., 10672 Athens, +302103688661,


Professor Dr. Dimitra Papadopoulou graduated in 1978 from the School of Law of the National and Kapodistria University of Athens. In 1991 she obtained her doctoral degree (PhD) from the same School under the supervision of Professor Dr. Michail Stathopoulos defending her thesis on contracts comprising an unlawful performance. She has been a scholar of the Humboldt Stiftung. She has conducted research in Germany (Tübingen 1995-1996, 2008 and 2011-2012) and the UK (Oxford 2018) in the fields of contract law (especially on civil liability), hereditary law (especially on the role of the testamentary executor) and family law (especially on the establishment and protection of parenthood). She is a Professor ordinarius (civil law) since 2010. She teaches law of contracts and torts, family law, and special courses in civil law. At a post graduate (LL.M.) level she also teaches hereditary law, European civil law, comparative contract law and bioethics and civil law. She also teaches bioethics and civil law at a postgraduate level at the University of Crete. She has also taught at the LL.M. of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the National Academy of Judges.

Selected publications

1. Contract comprising unlawful performance, 1991, pp. 1-260 (in Greek).

2. Contract with oneself, 2000, pp. XX+364 (in Greek).

3. The testamentary executor, 2005, pp. XX+420 (in Greek).

4. Parenthood: Establishment, Registration, Protection, 2010, pp. 1-314 (in Greek).

5. Monetary compensation for pain and suffering to the mentally handicapped (in English), annotation to decisions Cour de Cassation de Belgique 4.4.1990, JT 1992, 829 and BGH 13.10.1992, BGHZ 120, 1, in: European Review of Private Law 1996, pp. 248-261.

6. Compensation for lost undeclared income (in German, original title: Gesetzeswidrig Entgangener Gewinn) to decision of 24.12.2002 of the French Cour de Cassation (2. civil chamber), in: European Review of Private Law 2004, pp. 533-542.

7. The evolution of private law in Greece after the liberation from the Ottoman occupation (in German, original title: „Die Entwicklung des Privatrechts in Griechenland nach Befreiung von der osmanischen Besatzung“), in: Stolleis (editor), „Konflikt und Koexistenz – Die Rechtsordnungen Südosteuropas im 19 und 20 Jahrhundert“, vol. 1, 2015, pp. 221–263.

8. Experimentation on people: concerns and thoughts on clinical trials (in English), in: Annuaire International des Droits de l’ homme, vol. 8, 2014, pp. 353 – 368.

9. Contractualisation in Greek Family Law (in English), in: Revue Hellénique de Droit International, 2014, pp. 339-359 = National Report in the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law, Vienna, 2014.

10. Determination of the accommodation and movement of minors (in Greek), in: Essays in Honor of Professor Dr. Kounougeri-Manoledaki, 2016, pp. 313-354.

11. The influence of EU Law on Greek private law (in German, original title: Der Einfluss des EU-Rechts auf die griechische Privatrechtsordnung), in: Welser (editor), Veröffentlichungen der Forschungsstelle für europäische Rechtsentwicklung und Privatrechtsreform an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien, 2019, pp. 151-159.

12. Greek hereditary law (in cooperation with Professor Dr. Christian F. Majer) (in German, original title: Griechisches Erbrecht), in: Gierl/Köhler/Kroiß/Wilsch (editors), Internationales Erbrecht, 2020, pp. 494-513.

13. Lobbying: From freedom of expression to corruption (in Greek), in: Essays in Memory of Professor Dr. Athanassios Papachristou, 2019, pp. 1397-1420 = Chronicles of Private Law (ChrID) 2018, pp. 391-397.

14. Consequences of the debtor’s default in monetary obligations. Damages in money and application of article 388 of the Greek Civil Code on the interference with the basis of the transaction (in Greek), in: Essays in Honor of Professor Dr. Panagiotis Papanikolaou, 2020, pp. 913-932 = Nomiko Vima (NoV) 2019, pp. 961-969.

Ancillary activities

Professor Dr. Papadopoulou was a member of the Board of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center (2004-2009) and a member of the National Committee of Clinical Trials (2004-2009). She was the President of the Civil Lawyers’ Association (2013-2016). She was a member of the National Council for Radio and Television (2014-2019). She has participated in many legislative committees in Greece and the EU (law 3089/2002 on in vitro fertilization, law 3500/2007 on domestic violence, modern law on the amendment of Greek family law). Until 2018 she was a member of the Greek branch of the International Commission on Civil Status (CIEC). She has also been a member of the Special Court of art. 99 of the Constitution. Since 2016 she is the Representative of the Hellenic Republic in the European Committee on Legal Cooperation of the Council of Europe (CDCJ). She is a member of the National Fostering and Adoption Council since 2019.