The course “International Telecommunications Law” will be taught in English, every Wednesday, 13:00 - 15:00, at Room 8.
Starting day of the course: Wednesday, October 5th, 13:00.
Students who wish to attend the course are kindly requested to register on the course webpage (INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAW - ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΤΗΛΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΩΝ, 2021-2022, LAW835) in the e-class: will find in this webpage the relevant announcements, texts and material for the class.
Students who wish to attend the course and were registered on older webpages of the course, until today, must re-register on the above website (INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAW - ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΤΗΛΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΩΝ 2021-2022, LAW835).