Ass. Professor E.P. Mastromanolis
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the limited attendance, this year Erasmus students enrolling in the “Competition Law” course will be required to submit a paper in lieu of participating in classes and taking a written exam at the end of the fall semester.
- Students should contact Ass. Professor Mastromanolis at email address emastrom[at]law.uoa[dot]gr, indicating their interest to select the course as well as their proposed topic of paper no later than Friday, 16 October. A skype call will then be set up during the last week of October with all interested students, in order to discuss the proposed topics and provide instructions or adjustments, as deemed necessary. Following the call, each student will be required to revert with a detailed plan of his/her paper as well as indicative bibliography by Friday, 13 November. Submission of the papers will be due by Friday, 22 January 2021.
- Students may choose one of the EU Competition Law topics listed below under (4), or a topic of their own. In the previous years, some Erasmus students have found it useful to explore their topics in comparative perspective to the approaches followed in the legal systems of their country of origin. This option is open to those interested also this year.
- The topics proposed to students are the following:
- Modalities of exchange of information between competitors and their evaluation under the EU Competition rules
- Algorithms as a medium of collusion
- E-commerce and vertical agreements: the current EU competition rules and anticipated legislative developments
- Intellectual property licensing and EU Regulation 316/2014
- “Most Favored Nation” (MFN) clauses under the lens of Article 101 TFEU
- The new economic approach in EU Competition Law: the “effects-based” approach and the “as efficient competitor test” in the respective Art. 101 and 102 TFEU analyses
- Excessive pricing as an abuse of dominant position: problems of definition
- Big data as an exclusionary device
- The basic parameters of the Guidance on the EU Commission's enforcement priorities in applying Article 82 of the EC Treaty to abusive exclusionary conduct by dominant undertakings
- Attributing liability to a parent for its subsidiary’s anticompetitive conduct
- Acquisition of control via minority shareholdings
- Commitments as remedy for art. 101 TFEU infringements: procedure and effects
- Conditions to clearance of a concentration: the rules and the jurisprudence
- Quantification of damages due to competition law infringements: the EU Commission’s views and proposed methodologies
- Directive 2014/104/EU and facilitation of damage actions due to competition law infringements
- Joints ventures in the energy sector under EU Competition Law
The topics will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.
- General EU Competition Law textbooks comprise the following:
(a)E. Fox/D.Gerard, EU Competition Law (Elgar 2017)
(b) Bellamy & Child, European Union Law of Competition (8th ed. Oxford 2018)
(c) Whish/Bailey, Competition Law (9th ed. Oxford 2018)
(d) Jones/ Sufrin, EU Competition Law (7th ed. Oxford 2019)
6. The syllabus of last year’s course is hereby attached in electronic form.